Meet our beans! Organic certified single origin arabica from the Keffa region in Ethiopia

At eatCultured, we care a lot about working with the best natural foods available. So when it comes to Cultured Coffee, that means working with what’s in season and sourcing the best quality, freshest organic certified beans to ferment.

We also look for beans with a story we can trace directly back to the farmer who grew them. This is why we chose to currently work with beans from farmer Girma Eshetu’s family estate in Ethiopia. Read on!

How We Source Our Coffee Beans

True to our Brooklyn-made roots, we work with a range of talented local small businesses each passionate about their own craft. Our coffee supplier Crop to Cup is no exception. Co-owners Jake and Taylor pride themselves on building direct connections with farming communities.

While many coffees are certified organic in their country of origin, the hefty costs of pursuing certification in multiple countries makes it prohibitive for small farmers like Girma. So Crop to Cup travels to meet with farmers, review their farms and helps support their business by working closely with coffee buyers to ensure they’re buying not only great quality beans but organic ones to boot.

The story of our beans

Thanks to the deep relationships our green bean supplier has built, we’ve been able to source some exceptional organic Arabica coffee beans, which we then ferment to produce a range of unique health and flavor benefits.

The beans we are currently working with are from Girma Eshetu in Ethiopia which is situated at relatively high elevation (6,400-7,000 ft above sea level) this is a fruity coffee that surprises. Organic and washed processed

Tasting Notes

Notes: Butterscotch and chocolate chip cookies, melon and tropical fruit, florals and sugars

Tasting: Bright & fruity, good to brush away those mental cobwebs as the days start to shorten

Best way to brew: The fruity, playful aromas of this cup work best as an uplifting pour over or drip.

As with all our offerings we recommend playing around with the method and coffee proportions that suit your palate best. If you haven’t already, you can also check out our world champion barista-approved brew guide over at FAQ.

See you for the story of next month's beans!


Learn more about eatCultured's first healthy fermented product: Cultured Coffee 

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